y ahora, nunca volveré a cometer un error. como bloquear canales en YouTube, robar sprites y hacer algunas cosas malas. Me arrepiento de haber cometido errores en el pasado porque en el pasado cometí errores. Me disculpo por cometer errores en el pasado y odio que cometa otro error. Mi nombre es Luis Felipe Uribe Araneda pero mi apodo es Xadicalĭías largos sin rippear sprites. And i swear that i never make another mistake, because as long as you make mistakes in the past, you are going to become a bad person like thieves, and that humanity and I do not want that.
I'm an good and normal human, and like all the humans, we all make mistakes. and now, never i gonna made a mistake again. such as blocking channels on YouTube, stealing sprites, and making some bad stuff.
I regret having mistakes in the past because in the past i made mistakes.
I apologize of making of mistakes in the past and i hate that i make another mistake. My name is Luis Felipe Uribe Araneda but my nickname is Xadical